Guadalajara, Jalisco


Frame and grid 50×50

The 50×50 Storm Grate (F-R5-80) is manufactured with a solid cast iron body and has 6 holes that help capture rainwater into the storm drains, preventing ponding and flooding.

Technical data
SKU: F-R5-80 Category: Tags: ,


The 50×50 Storm Grate (F-R5-80) is manufactured with a solid cast iron body and has 6 holes that help capture rainwater into the storm drains, preventing ponding and flooding.
The grating can withstand vehicular traffic loads, making it feasible for installation in roadways, and it also helps drain excess rainwater and surface water from parking lots and sidewalks because its long grating captures a greater amount of liquid.
The way to open the lid is through the use of leverage, making it quick and easy as it has a hinge that helps to have a better control over it.
It is worth mentioning that these parts have a special coating that protects them from wear and tear when exposed to the elements, such as the impact of UV rays, making them resistant to these as well as to oil spills, acids, temperature variations and moderate impacts.
Product manufactured under international quality standards, making it highly functional.


We are pioneers in the creation of sustainable products from recycled materials. Our passion for environmental protection combines with technological innovation to offer solutions that make a difference.

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Guadalajara, Jalisco

Ignacio Ramirez 1948
Col. Mezquitan Country
Guadalajara, Jalisco
C.P. 44260

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